Find out more about Worcestershire Historical Society from these FAQs, how the Society is run and what we do.
Worcestershire Historical Society FAQs
Historical Society
Find out more about the Worcestershire Historical Society from these FAQs, how the Society is run and what we do.
Q. What does the Society do?
A. It produces volumes of historical records.
Q. Does the Society do historical research?
A. Not collectively, although many members are working on aspects of the county’s history.
Q. Will the Society help me with my query about Worcestershire history?
A. Specific detailed questions about resources and ways of researching Worcestershire history are best directed to the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service.
Q. Does the Society have meetings I can attend?
A. We have an annual meeting in the autumn and a book launch meeting every time a main title is published. Members of the Society are invited.
Q. How is the Society run?
A. It has a committee elected from the members, and is a registered charity (No. 205616). We apply for grants to finance our publishing programme and rely on subscriptions from individuals and institutional members.
If you have any more questions for the Society please contact us…